Coronavirus Pandemic in Colombia

Coronavirus Colombia Latest Stats. How many people are infected with the Sars-Cov-2 in Colombia? How many people died in Colombia?

  • 1,813 new cases and 35 new death have been reported in Colombia in the last 24 hours. As a result, the total number of cases increased to 4,942,249 and the total number of deaths reached 125,924 in Colombia.
  • 10,815 cases have been reported in Colombia in the past 7 days. This indicates a 6.76 % decrease compared to 11,600 cases in the previous week.
  • 248 death have been reported in Colombia in the past 7 days. This marks a 32.79 % decrease compared to the 369 death in the previous week.







Coronavirus Pandemic in Colombia
Department Cases - Total Cases - Today Cases - Yesterday Cases - 2 Days Ago Death - Total Death - Today Death - Yesterday Death - 2 Days Ago Recovered Cases / 100K Population Death / 100K Population Cases - Last 7 Days Death - Last 7 Days Cases - Previous 7 Days Death - Previous 7 Days Cases - Last 7 Days / 100K Population Death - Last 7 Days / 100K Population Cases - Previous 7 Days / 100K Population Death - Previous 7 Days / 100K Population
Antioquia 742,908 318 333 389 15,995 8 5 1 720,811 11,595 249 2,505 46 2,230 57 39 0 34 0
Valle del Cauca 405,502 111 111 157 12,850 2 6 3 389,378 9,059 287 1,310 34 1,343 40 29 0 30 0
Atlántico 318,132 171 428 310 9,423 6 4 1 305,180 12,547 371 1,728 13 1,333 22 68 0 52 0
Cundinamarca 263,282 25 54 49 6,792 1 0 0 255,722 9,019 232 410 3 226 11 14 0 7 0
Santander 225,001 44 50 29 7,269 1 0 0 216,843 10,298 332 322 13 303 15 14 0 13 0
Bolívar 155,826 21 58 82 2,953 0 0 0 152,011 7,527 142 308 7 399 8 14 0 19 0
Tolima 107,237 13 22 14 3,647 1 2 2 103,272 8,061 274 74 5 201 21 5 0 15 1
Boyacá 105,132 20 41 22 2,542 0 1 0 102,269 8,635 208 136 2 109 4 11 0 8 0
Córdoba 103,624 24 34 17 3,720 1 0 0 99,508 5,805 208 109 6 154 11 6 0 8 0
Caldas 100,191 33 32 15 2,253 0 0 0 97,648 10,036 225 101 0 95 8 10 0 9 0
Magdalena 93,310 25 119 61 3,305 0 2 1 88,977 6,954 246 417 8 419 9 31 0 31 0
Norte de Santander 90,021 40 64 51 4,232 3 3 13 84,988 6,034 283 316 22 335 17 21 1 22 1
Nariño 89,307 9 19 20 3,010 0 1 4 85,826 5,476 184 192 11 203 22 11 0 12 1
Cesar 88,776 28 45 73 2,477 0 1 0 85,743 7,394 206 245 2 213 8 20 0 17 0
Huila 88,105 6 19 14 3,135 1 1 1 84,702 8,006 284 91 4 107 12 8 0 9 1
Meta 87,778 9 32 21 2,225 0 0 0 85,221 8,442 213 124 5 150 9 11 0 14 0
Risaralda 87,494 6 19 20 2,218 0 0 0 84,975 9,274 235 119 4 128 8 12 0 13 0
Sucre 58,941 5 7 14 1,616 0 0 0 57,126 6,513 178 55 2 91 4 6 0 10 0
Quindío 56,049 5 15 19 1,724 0 0 0 53,993 10,381 319 120 4 163 8 22 0 30 1
Cauca 55,625 15 30 20 1,523 0 2 3 53,615 3,798 103 182 14 191 8 12 0 13 0
La Guajira 42,261 7 11 16 1,333 0 0 0 40,751 4,799 151 77 1 75 5 8 0 8 0
Casanare 35,464 5 9 10 915 0 0 0 34,417 8,433 217 41 1 55 1 9 0 13 0
Caquetá 22,804 5 8 10 931 0 0 0 21,780 5,674 231 34 3 41 3 8 0 10 0
Chocó 16,325 0 3 0 392 0 0 0 15,876 3,052 73 10 1 31 2 1 0 5 0
Putumayo 16,204 3 10 3 665 0 0 0 15,449 4,653 190 39 0 49 5 11 0 14 1
Arauca 13,258 6 7 34 452 0 0 0 12,692 5,056 172 61 1 27 2 23 0 10 0
Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina 6,851 1 4 2 134 0 0 0 6,680 11,179 218 20 0 11 0 32 0 17 0
Amazonas 6,820 1 1 2 254 0 0 0 6,548 8,904 331 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0
Guaviare 5,130 0 0 3 94 1 0 0 5,023 6,198 113 4 0 8 0 4 0 9 0
Vichada 2,924 1 0 1 53 0 1 0 2,857 2,712 49 2 3 8 0 1 2 7 0
Guainía 2,283 12 0 0 29 0 0 0 2,237 4,744 60 1 0 3 0 2 0 6 0
Vaupés 1,749 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 1,727 4,287 41 2 0 3 0 4 0 7 0

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