Countries by Solar Electricity Generation

Countries by solar electricity generation.

  • Worldwide 699,017.353 GWh of solar electricity is generated per year.
  • China is the largest solar electricity producer in the world with 224,100 GWh generation per year.
  • United States of America comes second with 107,274.828 GWh yearly generation.
  • With 74,522 GWh of generation per year, Japan is the third largest producer of solar electricity.
  • China, United States of America and Japan generate together more than 50 % of world's total solar electricity globally.
Countries by Solar Electricity Generation
Country GWh kWh per Capita
China 224,100 160.777
United States of America 107,274.828 327.292
Japan 74,522 589.153
India 50,557 37.828
Germany 44,876 542.368
Italy 23,709 392.296
Spain 14,368 307.934
Australia 14,218 567.598
South Korea 13,022 252.192
United Kingdom 12,677 191.959
France 11,668 173.381
Turkey 9,160 113.352
Brazil 6,655 31.761
Mexico 6,591 52.839
Chile 6,136 349.152
Thailand 5,182 74.903
The Netherlands 5,159 299.05
South Africa 4,809 83.308
Canada 4,272 114.797
United Arab Emirates 4,170 437.033
Taiwan 4,144.092 175.771
Belgium 3,989 349.399
Greece 3,961 367.843
Egypt 3,680 37.745
Israel 2,597 291.537
Czech Republic 2,260 212.939
Switzerland 2,111 248.559
Romania 1,777 91.016
Morocco 1,581 45.464
Jordan 1,500 146.612
Bulgaria 1,405 199.29
Hungary 1,387 141.951
Austria 1,366 154.557
Portugal 1,275 123.894
Philippines 1,246 11.71
Pakistan 1,160 5.746
Honduras 1,114 123.61
Ukraine 998 23.614
Russian Federation 985 6.706
Denmark 963 166.322
Argentina 800 17.98
Malaysia 800 24.498
Peru 767 24.554
Poland 712 18.525
Sweden 663 65.182
Algeria 615 14.455
Slovakia 588 108.026
Yemen 500 17.292
Uruguay 423 120.651
Bangladesh 420 2.544
Dominican Republic 400 38.963
Sri Lanka 370 17.254
Singapore 341 60.76
Finland 326 59.081
Slovenia 303 146.598
Panama 295 70.934
Iran 244 2.984
Kazakhstan 236 12.916
Guatemala 229 13.235
Cyprus 217 253.861
El Salvador 215.318 32.411
Malta 200 420.432
Bolivia 189 16.715
Belarus 181 19.096
Tunisia 174 15.201
Saudi Arabia 155 4.639
Cuba 150 13.368
Mauritania 144 36.142
Kuwait 140 33.121
Colombia 132 2.644
New Zealand 123 25.096
Luxembourg 110 182.723
Indonesia 98 0.37
Kenya 92 1.806
Tanzania 88 1.624
Croatia 83 19.799
Lebanon 80 13.129
Senegal 80 5.087
Nepal 80 2.738
Lithuania 80 28.564
Costa Rica 76 15.19
Uganda 73 1.88
Mauritius 60 47.435
Eritrea 60 11.565
Iraq 57 1.449
Rwanda 54 4.5
Estonia 54 40.936
Burkina Faso 53 2.618
Jamaica 50 18.323
Malawi 50 2.788
Azerbaijan 44 4.445
Afghanistan 40 1.267
Mongolia 40 12.407
Barbados 40 139.671
Ecuador 38 2.227
Ghana 33 1.114
Mali 32 1.675
Bosnia and Herzegovina 30 7.927
Nigeria 30 0.152
Namibia 26 10.772
Niger 24 1.118
Macedonia 23 11.083
Vietnam 23 0.243
Madagascar 23 0.876
Albania 22 7.665
Nicaragua 22 3.501
Guinea 21 1.767
Ethiopia 20 0.186
Sudan 20 0.49
Laos 20 2.873
Cameroon 19 0.799
Myanmar 19 0.353
Angola 18 0.615
Cayman Islands 16.165 329.662
Cambodia 16 0.996
Ireland 15 3.088
North Korea 15 0.586
Antigua and Barbuda 15 173.822
Fiji 15 16.951
Serbia 14 2
Zimbabwe 14 0.943
Norway 13 2.447
Armenia 13 4.377
Somalia 11 0.725
Cook Islands 10.729 576.828
Suriname 10 17.596
Congo-Kinshasa 10 0.123
Kosovo 10 5.56
Cape Verde 9 16.542
Guyana 8.525 10.898
Qatar 8.364 3.413
Bahrain 8.25 5.514
Libya 8 1.236
Burundi 8 0.749
Uzbekistan 6.827 0.209
Venezuela 6 0.189
Sierra Leone 6 0.777
Vanuatu 5.296 17.392
Trinidad and Tobago 5 3.686
Benin 5 0.44
Seychelles 5 53.076
Botswana 5 2.171
Kiribati 4.837 40.275
Oman 4 0.798
Liberia 4 0.913
The Bahamas 3.493 9.16
Grenada 3.295 31.889
Saint Lucia 3.162 17.68
Latvia 3 1.558
Togo 3 0.408
South Sudan 3 0.243
Moldova 3 0.845
Solomon Islands 2.895 4.34
Gabon 2 0.967
Guinea-Bissau 2 1.262
Brunei 2 4.732
Mozambique 2 0.069
Papua New Guinea 1.388 0.162
Belize 1.062 2.683
Bhutan 1 1.375
Congo-Brazzaville 1 0.185
Lesotho 1 0.442
Djibouti 1 0.953
Haiti 1 0.09
Swaziland 1 0.863
Zambia 0.389 0.023
British Virgin Islands 0.308 9.698
Dominica 0.178 2.497
Samoa 0 0
Paraguay 0 0
Bermuda 0 0
Falkland Islands 0 0
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0 0
Turks and Caicos Islands 0 0
Montserrat 0 0
Greenland 0 0
Tonga 0 0
Niue 0 0
Faroe Islands 0 0
East Timor 0 0
São Tomé and Príncipe 0 0
Tajikistan 0 0
Turkmenistan 0 0
Iceland 0 0
Gibraltar 0 0
Nauru 0 0
Syria 0 0
Comoros 0 0
Central African Republic 0 0
Montenegro 0 0
Georgia 0 0
Chad 0 0
Palestinian Territories 0 0
Equatorial Guinea 0 0
Kyrgyzstan 0 0
Maldives 0 0

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