Countries by McDonald’s Restaurants

Countries by McDonald’s Restaurants. How many McDonald’s Restaurants are there in different countries?

  • United States of America has the highest number of mcdonald’s restaurants with 13,375 restaurants.
  • China comes second with 3,500 mcdonald’s restaurants.
  • Japan is in the third place with 2,900 restaurants.
  • Ireland is ranked at 41st with 97 mcdonald’s restaurants.
Countries by McDonald’s Restaurants
Country Number of Restaurants Date of Data First Opening Number of Restaurants per Million Population
United States of America 13,375 2022-03-17 1940-05-15 40.807
China 3,500 2020 1990-10-08 2.511
Japan 2,900 2021 1971-07-21 22.927
Germany 1,536 2022-03-17 1971-11-22 18.564
France 1,500 2022 1972-06-30 22.289
Canada 1,458 2022-03-17 1967-06-03 39.179
United Kingdom 1,421 2022-03-17 0000-00-00 21.517
Brazil 1,031 2021 1979-02-13 4.92
Australia 981 2018-11-15 1971-05-30 39.163
Russian Federation 850 2022-03-01 1990-01-31 5.787
Philippines 655 2021-02-09 1981-09-27 6.155
Italy 640 2022 1985-03-20 10.59
Spain 550 2021-10-18 1981-03-10 11.788
Poland 496 2022-03-17 1992-06-16 12.905
South Korea 447 2019 1988-03-29 8.657
Taiwan 413 2018-01-12 1984-01-28 17.517
Mexico 402 2018-01-12 1985-10-29 3.223
Saudi Arabia 304 2019 1993-12-08 9.098
India 300 2018 1996-10-13 0.224
Malaysia 282 2019 1982-04-29 8.636
South Africa 275 2019 1995-11-11 4.764
The Netherlands 259 2022-03-17 1971-08-21 15.013
Turkey 253 2019 1986-10-24 3.131
Thailand 240 2018-01-12 1985-02-23 3.469
Indonesia 224 2020-02-01 1991-02-23 0.845
Argentina 222 2018 1986-11-24 4.989
Austria 195 2019 1977-07-21 22.063
Sweden 191 2019 1973-10-27 18.778
Colombia 185 2021-08-01 1995-07-14 3.705
Israel 185 2016 1993-10-14 20.768
Switzerland 179 2022-03-17 1976-10-20 21.076
Portugal 175 2020-05-01 1991-05-23 17.005
New Zealand 166 2018 1976-06-07 33.87
United Arab Emirates 137 2022-03-17 1994-12-21 14.358
Singapore 136 2012-12-01 1979-10-20 24.233
Venezuela 133 2018 1985-08-31 4.179
Egypt 114 2019 1994-10-20 1.169
Czech Republic 110 2022-03-17 1992-03-20 10.364
Ukraine 103 2022-03-17 1997-05-24 2.437
Hungary 98 2019 1988-04-13 10.03
Ireland 97 2022-03-17 1977-05-09 19.971
Guatemala 95 2019 1974-06-06 5.491
Belgium 85 2019 1978-03-21 7.445
Romania 84 2020 1995-06-16 4.302
Norway 79 2022-03-17 1983-11-18 14.871
Chile 77 2012 1990-11-19 4.381
Pakistan 72 0000-00-00 1998-09-19 0.357
Finland 67 2022 1984-12-14 12.142
Kuwait 65 2022-03-17 1994-06-15 15.378
Qatar 63 2022-03-17 1995-12-13 25.711
Panama 57 2013 1971-09-01 13.706
Costa Rica 54 2013 1970-12-08 10.793
Morocco 53 0000-00-00 1992-12-18 1.524
Peru 40 2014 1996-10-18 1.281
Croatia 39 2021-09-01 1996-02-02 9.303
Bulgaria 35 2019 1994-12-10 4.965
Slovakia 35 2020-11-01 1995-10-14 6.43
Jordan 31 2018 1996-11-07 3.03
Dominican Republic 31 0000-00-00 1996-11-30 3.02
Serbia 30 2020 1988-03-24 4.285
Ecuador 30 2020 1997-10-09 1.758
Belarus 25 2022 1996-12-10 2.638
Greece 25 2019 1991-11-12 2.322
Oman 25 2022-03-17 1994-07-30 4.989
Uruguay 25 2021 1991-11-18 7.131
Lebanon 23 2018 1998-09-18 3.775
Slovenia 23 2021 1993-12-02 11.128
Kazakhstan 22 2020 2016-03-08 1.204
Vietnam 22 2019 2014-02-08 0.232
Bahrain 20 2022-03-17 1994-12-15 13.366
Paraguay 19 2018 1996-11-21 2.694
Azerbaijan 19 2019 1999-11-06 1.92
El Salvador 19 2019 1972-07-20 2.86
Georgia 18 2020 1999-02-05 4.826
Cyprus 18 2016 1997-06-12 21.058
Lithuania 17 2020 1996-05-31 6.07
Latvia 13 2019 1994-12-15 6.751
Mauritius 12 2021 2001-07-04 9.487
Luxembourg 10 2013 1985-07-17 16.611
Estonia 10 2019 1995-04-29 7.581
Honduras 9 2022-03-17 1995-12-14 0.999
Malta 9 2020 1995-07-07 18.919
Denmark 8 2022-03-17 1981-04-15 1.382
Sri Lanka 7 2013-03-04 1998-10-16 0.326
Trinidad and Tobago 6 0000-00-00 1997-05-06 4.423
Nicaragua 6 2010-06-01 1998-07-11 0.955
Bosnia and Herzegovina 5 2020 2011-07-20 1.321
Andorra 5 2018 1984-06-29 63.886
Moldova 5 2018 1998-04-30 1.408
Fiji 4 2001 1996-05-01 4.52
Suriname 3 2021 1997-12-18 5.279
The Bahamas 3 2012 1975-08-04 7.867
Brunei 3 2018 1992-12-12 7.098
Monaco 2 0000-00-00 1992-11-20 52.219
Samoa 1 0000-00-00 1996-03-02 5.024
Cuba 1 2012 1986-04-24 0.089
Liechtenstein 1 2018 1996-05-03 26.239
Isle of Man 1 0000-00-00 1997-12-15 13.325
Iraq 1 2006 2006-08-10 0.025
Gibraltar 1 2018 1999-08-13 496.278
Jersey 1 0000-00-00 1997-08-01 9.992

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