World Hops Production by Country

Countries by Hops Production.

  • United States of America is the largest hops producer in the world with 52,450 tonnes production per year.
  • Germany comes second with 47,900 tonnes yearly production.
  • With 46,874.7 tonnes of production per year, Ethiopia is the third largest producer of hops.
World Hops Production by Country
Country Production (Tons) Production per Person (Kg) Acreage (Hectare) Yield (Kg / Hectare)
United States of America 52,450 0.16 24,630 2,129.5
Germany 47,900 0.579 20,900 2,291.9
Ethiopia 46,874.7 0.436 34,320 1,365.8
Czech Republic 8,310 0.783 4,970 1,672
China 7,923.4 0.006 2,760 2,871.3
Poland 3,110 0.081 1,760 1,767
Slovenia 2,190 1.06 1,540 1,422.1
North Korea 2,029 0.079 4,750 427.1
Albania 1,779.55 0.62 2,350 757.2
United Kingdom 1,091.55 0.017 817 1,336
Spain 1,080 0.023 660 1,636.4
France 950 0.014 560 1,696.4
New Zealand 906.73 0.185 358 2,535.6
Japan 683.03 0.005 322 2,118.4
Australia 614.02 0.025 262 2,346.5
Canada 600 0.016 350 1,714.3
Ukraine 530 0.013 400 1,325
Argentina 481.21 0.011 393 1,223.2
South Africa 454.21 0.008 392 1,158.6
Austria 380 0.043 270 1,407.4
Belgium 366.16 0.032 192 1,907.2
Romania 210 0.011 170 1,235.3
Russian Federation 195.7 0.001 133 1,471.4
Bulgaria 124.82 0.018 68 1,825.9
Slovakia 110 0.02 140 785.7
Italy 70 0.001 40 1,750
Ireland 45.35 0.009 45 1,013.7
Switzerland 38 0.004 21 1,809.5
Hungary 35 0.004 15 2,333.3
Serbia 34.15 0.005 26 1,302.1
Greece 26 0.002 15 1,733.3
South Korea 20 0 5 4,000
Portugal 20 0.002 10 2,000
Georgia 0.4 0 1 502.3
Croatia 0 0 0 N/A
Malta 0 0 0 N/A
Luxembourg 0 0 0 N/A
Sweden 0 0 0 N/A
Cyprus 0 0 0 N/A
The Netherlands 0 0 10 0
Denmark 0 0 0 N/A
Estonia 0 0 0 N/A

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