World Pistachio Production by Country

Countries by Pistachio Production.

  • United States of America is the largest pistachio producer in the world with 523,900 tonnes production per year.
  • Iran comes second with 135,000 tonnes yearly production.
  • With 119,355 tonnes of production per year, Turkey is the third largest producer of pistachio.
World Pistachio Production by Country
Country Production (Tons) Production per Person (Kg) Acreage (Hectare) Yield (Kg / Hectare)
United States of America 523,900 1.598 165,518 3,165.2
Iran 135,000 1.651 125,544 1,075.3
Turkey 119,355 1.477 389,451 306.5
China 78,817.5 0.057 27,749 2,840.4
Syria 43,104.3 2.357 60,381 713.9
Greece 11,836 1.099 4,353 2,719
Spain 7,545 0.162 20,415 369.6
Madagascar 5,539.64 0.211 14,512 381.7
Italy 3,873 0.064 3,870 1,000.8
Tunisia 3,123.05 0.273 27,810 112.3
Afghanistan 2,787.54 0.088 2,158 1,291.7
Australia 1,510.59 0.06 1,451 1,041.1
Kyrgyzstan 928.8 0.147 610 1,522
Jordan 598.37 0.058 151 3,968.4
Pakistan 475.14 0.002 185 2,573.4
Uzbekistan 400 0.012 1,261 317.2
Mexico 99.87 0.001 234 427.5
Morocco 46.24 0.001 N/A N/A
Azerbaijan 27.8 0.003 9 3,159.1
Cyprus 10 0.012 48 208.3
Mauritius 4.08 0.003 3 1,358.8
Cameroon 0 0 0 N/A
Côte d'Ivoire 0 0 0 N/A

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