Sweden Statistics and Maps
Population | 10,171,524 |
Area | 454,086.159 km2 |
Change Rate | 1.078 % (2019) |
Birth Rate | 11.4 per 1000 people (2018) |
Death Rate | 9.1 per 1000 people (2018) |
Life Expectancy (Total) | 82.559 years (2018) |
Life Expectancy (Female) | 84.3 years (2018) |
Life Expectancy (Male) | 80.9 years (2018) |
Fertility rate | 1.76 births per woman (2018) |
Infant mortality rate | 2.115 deaths / 1000 births (2019) |
Net migration rate | 19.445 migrants / 1000 population in 5 years (2017) |
Sex ratio (Current Population) | 1.003 male/female (2019) |
Sex ratio (At Birth) | 1.06 male/female (2018) |
GDP (nominal) | 530,883,869,004.977 $ (2019) |
GDP (PPP) | 582,487,212,631.493 $ (2019) |
GDP growth | 1.261 % (2019) |
GDP per capita (nominal) | 51,615.021 $ (2019) |
GDP per capita (PPP) | 56,632.14 $ (2019) |
Inflation (CPI) | 1.784 % (2019) |
Unemployment | 6.83 % (2019) |
Oil Production | 0 barrels per day (2019) |
Oil Reserves | 0 barrels (2020) |
Electric Production | 165,028,175,000 kwH (2019) |
Electric Consumption | 131,798,015,000 kwH (2019) |
Electric Consumption per Capita | 12,814.021 kwH (2019) |
Total Energy Consumption | 2,262,773,510,723,973 BTU (2017) |
Total Energy Consumption per Capita | 219,997,457.645 BTU (2017) |
CO2 emission | 52,640,875.429 metric tonnes (2017) |
CO2 emission per Capita | 5.118 metric tonnes (2017) |
Military Expenditure | 5,920,139,623.44 $ (2019) |
Military Expenditure as a percent of GDP | 1.121 % (2019) |
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